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Pulls it all together for me

Jules Pieri

Founder, CEO, an investing partner at XFactor Ventures

đánh giá trung bình là 5 /5

Pulls it all together for me

I've worked in, and been around, VC and angel investor-financed businesses for a long time. So, in some ways the topics in this book are not entirely new to me. However, this book takes all the various buckets of entrepreneurial finance information that are scattered around my brain and puts them into a coherent whole.

More than that, since I am also in the process of fundraising for a startup, this book gives me clear guidance and demystifies the VC evaluation process. Other than investor scale and growth expectations, I think the advice applies equally well to angel investor evaluations.

The book is incredibly clear...I agree it is not a "VC for Dummies" book, yet a a total novice would indeed be able to navigate the content quite easily. The author has a gift for anticipating reader questions and possible confusion points...probably because he also teaches entrepreneurial finance and has seen all the questions before.

My husband saw me avidly reading this book and said "Do you have some racy novel between the covers of that book?" Joke aside, I have found it very compelling reading.

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