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Excellent resource for Entrepreneurs

Michele K. Masterfano

Professor at University of Maryland Global Campus

đánh giá trung bình là 5 /5

Raising Venture Capital for the Serious Entrepreneur is a fascinating journey through the world of venture finance. It provides an interesting, even absorbing view into the arcane world of how venture capitalists determine what companies they will finance, how they decide on the level of investment, and what they expect in return. It further provides important tips for entrepreneurs as they begin their planning for equity financing and the negotiations with VCs for that financing.

Raising Venture Capital is an excellent resource for entrepreneurs as well as those who wish to pursue a career in venture capital. Mini-cases are presented throughout the book, not just in the final section, which allows you to work through the problems presented yourself and to further your understanding of the concepts presented. There are also several tips for entrepreneurs highlighted throughout. The book is quite easy to read, and even though it presents many esoteric concepts, they are examined in a way that any business person can understand them. As the author is a venture capitalist himself, there is a high level of credibility in what is presented.

This is an excellent resource not only for entrepreneurs but also for both undergraduates and graduate students in entrepreneurial finance classes. It could either be assigned as a textbook itself or simply be used as a resource for the professor from which to develop lectures. As mentioned previously, it can also be used as a primer for those who wish to embark on a career in venture capital, and also for those who wish to become private investors themselves. Naturally, those entrepreneurs who are preparing to seek outside investments will find this a thorough resource and potent ammunition in their arsenal as they begin negotiations for equity financing from sophisticated investors.

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